The Best Anime & Manga for Fans of History

Did you know the top historical anime has a score of 8.57 on MyAnimeList? This shows how amazing historical anime and manga are. They take us to places like ancient Japan and Persia. They also retell stories from myths and classic literature.

If you love history or just want to explore different times, this is for you. We’re going to look at anime and manga that mix fact and fiction. They make the past come alive and give fresh looks at important events.

You’ll find series that turn historical fights into fantasy tales. There are also stories about growing up in earlier times, thrilling historical dramas, and tragic stories. Plus, you’ll see shows about big changes and stories that are often forgotten.

Key Takeaways

  • Top-rated historical anime have MyAnimeList scores above 8.5, showcasing the high quality of the genre
  • Historical anime cover a wide range of themes, from immersive settings in ancient civilizations to reimagined mythological tales
  • Fans of history can discover anime that blend fact and fiction, offer unique perspectives, and explore forgotten narratives
  • The article will highlight series that transport viewers to different eras, including the Edo period, Viking Age, and French Revolution
  • Viewers can expect to find a diverse selection of historical anime, from coming-of-age stories to gripping dramas and heartbreaking tales

Immersive Historical Settings

Anime can whisk us away to vivid historical times. It makes us feel the era’s spirit through its visuals, sounds, and traditions. Two great examples of this are

Samurai Champloo


Vinland Saga

Samurai Champloo

It’s set in Japan’s

Edo period

and mixes traditional


culture with modern beats like hip-hop. We follow the adventures of three unlikely friends. There’s a girl on a quest, a laid-back swordsman, and a fighter who’s a bit hot-headed.

All three explore the vibrant world of


Japan. The show is a feast for the eyes and ears, offering a unique look at Japanese history.

In comparison,

Vinland Saga

takes us to the

Viking Age

. It tells the tale of Thorfinn, a boy who wants revenge for his father’s death. This series paints a tough but real picture of


life, showing us the challenges they faced and the paths they chose to take. Thorfinn’s story guides us through


culture, battles, and sea voyages of this critical time.

Samurai Champloo and Vinland Saga brilliantly recreate their historical worlds. They draw us in with careful details and original stories. These animes take us on a thrilling journey into the past, making historical settings feel alive and exciting.

Reimagining Mythological Figures

This section looks at anime reimagining mythological figures and gods in unique ways.

Record of Ragnarok

It fights humanity against gods. A council of 13 deities wants to end humankind. But, they start a tournament. In it, heroes from history and myth take part. This series offers a fresh take on Norse mythology, mixing action, wit, and deep thoughts.

Fate/Grand Order

Summons historical figures to be “Servants.” These powerful heroes help in quests. Viewers meet heroes like King Arthur and Nikola Tesla. They see them in new, surprising roles. This anime plays with history and myth imaginatively.

mythological figures

Retelling Literary Classics

The world of stories has always been a source of wonder. And, more recently, anime has taken those classic tales and given them new life. Les Misérables: Shojo Cosette and Emma: A Victorian Romance are two anime series that have done this beautifully.

Les Misérables: Shojo Cosette

In Les Misérables: Shojo Cosette, we see a whole new side of the story. This time, it’s about Cosette, the main character. We watch as she faces tough times and finds happiness, all during the French Revolution. It shows us redemption, the search for justice, and what it means to be human.

Emma: A Victorian Romance

Emma: A Victorian Romance brings Jane Austen’s novel to life in a beautiful way. It takes us to the charming English countryside of the Victorian era. There, we see the love blooming between Emma, a maid, and William, a nobleman. Their story shows us the challenges of that time and the joy of love that can overcome any obstacle.

Blending Historical Fact and Fiction

Anime and manga bring historical fact and historical fiction together. They create stories that feel real yet take us to different worlds. These stories use real events and figures but also add their own touches like magic.

This mix of true history and imagination is very unique. It gets people interested in the past. These shows are great for those who want to feel like they’re in a different time. But, they still want some truth in what they watch.

Writing these stories is tough. Authors have to get the history right but also make the story good. Readers can be very picky, even noting small mistakes like when tomatoes first appeared. This is why authors must do a lot of research.

A good story is both true to history and exciting to read. Take the Batavia shipwreck story, for example. Colin Falconer turned it into fiction. This change made the story both interesting and heartfelt.

But, keeping the story real and new is hard. Sometimes, writers might get in trouble for not sticking to facts. It’s important to keep a good mix of real history and creative storytelling. This ensures the story is enjoyable but also respects the past.

Author Approach to Blending History Reader Response
Colin Falconer Adapted real-life Batavia shipwreck into a fictional narrative Faced criticism for minor historical inaccuracy, but received positive feedback from sister for emotional impact of the story
Wilma Forester Exemplified successful balance between historical fact and creative storytelling in her historical novels Showcased the harmony of reality and fantasy in her work, captivating readers

Good anime and manga do a brilliant job of mixing fact and fiction. They make sure to change history in respectful ways. This not only entertains but also makes people curious about the real events.

blending history

Ancient Civilizations Brought to Life

The world of anime is a gateway to explore ancient cultures. Series like Kingdom and The Heroic Legend of Arslan highlight past civilizations in unique ways.

Kingdom: Warring States Period China

Kingdom dives into ancient China’s chaotic Warring States period. It tells the story of Xin, a young boy who dreams of leading armies. Viewers witness the intense battles and political games of this time through Xin’s eyes.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Ancient Persia

On the other hand, The Heroic Legend of Arslan delves into ancient Persia’s history. It mixes real events with fantasy, creating a rich tale. This show brings to life the grandeur and struggles of ancient Persia in a captivating way.

Both Kingdom and The Heroic Legend of Arslan show how anime can make ancient history compelling. They let us experience ancient civilizations in incredible detail. From ancient China’s warfare to Persia’s mythical world, these series offer a fresh look at our past.

Unique Perspectives on History

This section will highlight anime that offer unique perspectives on historical events and eras. Golden Kamuy, for instance, is set after the Russo-Japanese War. It focuses on the Ainu people of Hokkaido. The show explores the Ainu’s customs, traditions, and struggles, adding a thrilling adventure to find hidden gold.

On the flip side, Baccano! is set in 1930s America, during the Prohibition era. It follows the tales of gangsters, alchemists, and immortals. The show’s twisty storytelling and unpredictability give a cool look at this rocky time in American history.

Golden Kamuy: Post-War Ainu Culture

Golden Kamuy takes place after the Russo-Japanese War, focusing on Hokkaido’s Ainu people. It truly shows Ainu culture, exploring their life and struggles. The anime, while telling a treasure hunt story, brings forward the history and fights of the Ainu. It offers a unique view on Japan’s past most people don’t see.

Baccano!: Prohibition Era America

In a different world, Baccano! brings us to the Prohibition era in 1930s America. It tells elaborate stories of gangsters, alchemists, and the immortal. The show’s unique way of storytelling and wild plot gives a different look at this time in American history. Baccano! mixes the normal with the supernatural, offering an exciting view of the underworld and the chaos of society back then.

Exploring Historical Conflicts

This section dives into anime that tackle complex historical conflicts with a mix of fantasy.

Saga of Tanya the Evil

In a made-up early 20th-century Europe, Tanya is a gifted soldier reborn as a young girl. She faces tough choices in a world ready for a massive war. The show takes bits from World Wars I and II, showing Tanya’s struggles.

The Saga of Tanya the Evil gives a distinct view of Europe in the World War era. It tells the story through a tough military mind, diving into the ethics and politics of war. Tanya fights with herself and real risks of war, making us think of tough things.

This anime mixes a World War background with fantasy. It nudges us to think about power, ideas, and what wars cost. Saga of Tanya the Evil uses a mix of real history and creative storytelling. This makes understanding important past events and people in a new, interesting way.

History Through a Fantasy Lens

For those who love anime and mixing history with fantasy, one show really shines. Drifters takes you into a world where famous fighters and leaders from the past meet. They must battle it out in a strange land beyond our world.

Drifters gives a thrilling look at what would happen if great figures like Nobunaga Oda and Rasputin shared the same world. By mixing real history with fantasy, it makes you think about the past in new and exciting ways. The show’s mix of truth and make-believe helps fans see history’s rich stories in a different light.

The characters in this anime are not just heroes. They face tough choices and deal with the consequences of their actions. Through them, we explore what it means to be a hero, the impact of war, and the quest for power.

Drifters is a shining example of how to blend history with fantasy. It draws you in with its stunning visuals and intriguing stories. This show is not just about entertainment. It’s also about making us think deeper about history and its lessons.

historical figures

Coming-of-Age in Historical Settings

Anime can take viewers to different times, putting them in exciting past worlds. Some anime mix stories of growing up with historical settings, showing us a different view on life. One great example is Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. It’s set in post-war Japan and tells a rich coming-of-age tale.

Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju focuses on two buddies, Kyoji and Yakumo. They deal with becoming adults, learn rakugo – a funny storytelling art – and face their personal challenges. We see them grow during the Showa era in Japan. This was a time of change after World War II turned into a time of great growth in the 1960s.

This anime looks at feelings like finding yourself, a sense of purpose, and the search for truth. The story happens as Japan heals post-war. The characters’ journeys fit into the bigger picture of Japan’s history during the Showa era.

By mixing historical settings and coming-of-age narratives, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju shows us something special. It helps us think about our own growth while learning from Japan’s important past.

Gripping Historical Dramas

This section dives into anime that take us to important moments in history. A prime example is Rurouni Kenshin, which is based in Japan’s Bakumatsu era. It shows Kenshin Himura’s path from a killer to someone seeking peace. The anime touches on topics like justice and the cost of violence.

Rurouni Kenshin: Bakumatsu Era Japan

These thrilling shows lead us through different times and places. Whether in Japan’s Bakumatsu era, 19th-century France, or 1831 Jamaica under British rule. They shine light on real historical figures, adding depth to pivotal moments in Japan’s history.

Series Episodes Viewership Change
Elkhorn +1 point
A Gentleman in Moscow -1 point
Vienna Blood -1 point
Carmen Curlers -1 point

The shows vary in length, with some having just three episodes. Others, like “Les Misérables,” have six episodes, and “Atlantic Crossing” goes up to eight. They also feature top actors, making the Bakumatsu era and other key historical moments come alive.

“Through Kenshin’s story, the anime provides a compelling exploration of themes such as justice, pacifism, and the consequences of war.”

These series look into important issues like social justice, slavery, and politics during war times. They give us a deep look into the past, making us understand the world’s complex history better.

Bakumatsu era Japan

Heartbreaking Tales from the Past

This part focuses on anime with tragic stories set in history. An example is Grave of the Fireflies, a Studio Ghibli film by Isao Takahata. It’s set during World War II in Japan. The tale is about two siblings, Seita and Setsuko.

They are striving to live through the war’s aftermath. This anime gives a harsh yet real view of the impact of war on people. It’s a story that will deeply touch your heart.

Revolutionaries and Uprisings 2>

Revolutionary movements and uprisings have deeply impacted our political and social systems over time. These events have often brought about major changes by challenging existing authorities. In the anime The Rose of Versailles, we see a story exploring the French Revolution. It provides a vivid account of the events that led up to this turning point in history.

The show tells the tale of Oscar, a woman who is a leader in the French army. She serves directly at the palace of Queen Marie Antoinette. As tensions between people and the monarchy grow, Oscar faces a world full of power struggles.

These challenges eventually contribute to the end of the French monarchy. In The Rose of Versailles, we get a closer look at how the revolutionaries and uprisings changed history. It focuses on the personal stories of those involved, making the Series a captivating watch.


By watching The Rose of Versailles, viewers can dive into the French Revolution. They experience the chaos and change that defined this period in history. The show’s mix of accurate history and storytelling makes complex concepts easy to understand.

It encourages people to think about how past revolutions have shaped our world. This way, it shows the long-lasting effects of these important moments in history.

Uncovering Forgotten History

Many anime series explore known historical events and people. But some show us lesser-known or forgotten stories. These anime help reveal tales that have been left out of history books.

Rainbow: Post-War Reformatory School

Rainbow is set in Japan, 1955, after World War II. It’s about a group of boys sent to a tough reformatory school. The show highlights the abuse and corruption they face. Rainbow asks viewers to understand the difficult times these boys lived in.

The forgotten history in post-war Japan, focusing on the reformatory school system, is unique in Rainbow. It shows the struggles of those who were left behind after a world war. The anime reminds us there are many stories waiting to be found. It helps us learn more about our history by sharing these untold tales.


Anime and manga are rich with history and invite unique storytelling. They transport us through time and culture, making the past come alive. These works help us understand different eras and viewpoints, creating a powerful link to history.

The popularity of historical anime and manga is on the rise. They see a 15% sales increase each year and hold a 20% market share. This shows a strong interest and commitment from fans. The strong presence on social media and worldwide fans highlight their universal appeal.

Exploring the recommended titles can be an eye-opening experience. Anime like Vinland Saga shows the harsh reality of Viking life. Record of Ragnarok delves into big questions while Grave of the Fireflies tells a moving story. These works not only entertain but also educate us about history, offering new perspectives and understanding of the past.


What types of historical themes and settings are explored in the recommended anime and manga series?

The article dives into historical themes from places like ancient Japan and Persia. It delves into mythological stories and old literary works too. You’ll find anime that mix real history with fiction, making ancient times jump off the screen.

How do the series blend historical elements with fantasy and imagination?

Series like Record of Ragnarok and Fate/Grand Order make myths come alive in new, cool ways. Drifters brings famous fighters and heroes into a fantasy world, mixing past and present. This makes for exciting, sometimes mind-bending, stories.

What types of coming-of-age and historical drama stories are featured?

Anime like Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju combine growing-up tales with real historical moments, like Japan after the war. Then there’s Rurouni Kenshin, a story of redemption in old Japan. It’s during a time of great change, the Bakumatsu period.

Are there any anime that uncover lesser-known or forgotten historical narratives?

Rainbow is one. It’s about boys in hard times after World War II, giving a look at post-war struggles not often talked about. This anime shines a light on a dark point in Japan’s history, making viewers really think.

How do the recommended anime and manga series educate and inspire viewers to learn more about history?

The article says these series do more than just entertain. They teach and spark interest in our shared past. By watching, folks learn about history in a fun way. They might even want to dig deeper into real historical events later on.

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